Change Text to kebab-case Online

Convert your text to kebab-case:

Transform all your text characters to kabab-case. Just paste your text to the tool in the first textarea and convert it immediately!

Kebab Case removes punctuation and spaces are replace it by single hypen (-). It is also known as spinal case, param case, Lisp case, and dash case. Just paste your text to the tool in the first textarea and convert it immediately!

Common Use Cases for "kebab-case":

HTML Attribute Names:

  • Implement kebab-case for HTML attribute names, contributing to clean and organized code in web development.

  • Enhance the structure of HTML documents by adopting a consistent naming convention for attributes like data attributes and event handlers.

JavaScript Variable Naming:

  • Employ kebab-case for naming variables in JavaScript, aligning with coding standards and promoting code uniformity.

  • Improve the maintainability of JavaScript code by ensuring a consistent and easily understandable variable naming convention.

Command Line Interface (CLI) Commands:

  • Facilitate user interaction with command-line tools by employing kebab-case for naming commands and options.

  • Enhance the user experience in the terminal environment with clear and intuitive naming conventions.

Why is kebab-case Used in Some Scenarios?

Kebab-case is strategically utilized in various scenarios to enhance text readability and mitigate naming conflicts. The hyphen separators contribute to visual clarity and ease of understanding. For instance, when dealing with file names, the use of kebab-case, as in "my-new-file.txt," ensures that each word is distinct, promoting readability.

In the realm of CSS, kebab-case is the standard for class names. This convention streamlines the styling process and fosters a consistent approach in web design. Similarly, in URLs and slugs, kebab-case is favored for its SEO-friendly nature, ensuring search engines can interpret and index content effectively.

Expanding the Scope: When to Avoid Kebab-Case?

While kebab-case excels in specific contexts, it's crucial to recognize scenarios where alternative conventions might be more suitable. Avoid using kebab-case for proper nouns, as it can compromise the integrity of names for people, places, and organizations.

Additionally, for words already short and easy to read, such as "cat" and "dog," the use of kebab-case may be unnecessary and could detract from the simplicity and clarity of the text.

Exploring Kebab-Case: A Hyphenated Journey:

Kebab-case, also known as hyphen-case, epitomizes a naming convention where words within a phrase are gracefully separated by hyphens. Its versatility extends beyond file names, directory names, and CSS class names to encompass HTML attributes, JavaScript variables, and CLI commands.

Examples of Kebab-Case:

  • my-new-file.txt

  • my-function-name

  • my-class-name

  • my-url

  • my-slug

Embark on a hyphenated journey with kebab-case, harmonizing aesthetics and functionality across diverse applications. Explore its utility in fostering consistency, readability, and user-friendly interactions in coding, web development, and beyond.