Text to Slug / Slugify Online

Change text to slug / slugify the special marks in the letters (like the ones in Latin and Cyrillic scripts) to regular letters:

Convert text to slug / slugify text and take out the special letters and put regular ones instead. Great for web addresses. Just copy your text into the first box and change it quickly!

Common use cases for "Slugify or Extract Slug from text":

  • To generate slugs for URLs, which can make URLs more readable and SEO-friendly.

  • To create unique identifiers for pages or posts in a database.

  • To generate normalized strings for comparison or sorting.

  • To generate filenames for images or other files.

Why is slugifying or extracting slugs from pages necessary?

Slugs are short, unique strings of text that are used to identify pages or posts on a website or in a database. Slugs are typically generated from the title of the page or post, but they can also be generated from other factors, such as the content of the page or post or the date it was published.

Slugs are important for a number of reasons. First, they can make URLs more readable and SEO-friendly. For example, instead of having a URL like `https://example.com/index.php?id=123`, a website could use a slug like `https://example.com/my-first-blog-post`. This makes the URL more descriptive and easier to remember, which can help to improve SEO.

Second, slugs can be used to create unique identifiers for pages or posts in a database. This can make it easier to query and manage the data in the database.

Third, slugs can be used to generate normalized strings for comparison or sorting. For example, if you have a list of pages and you want to sort them by title, you can first slugify the titles of all the pages. This will ensure that the titles are sorted in a consistent way, regardless of whether they contain special characters or punctuation marks.

Finally, slugs can be used to generate filenames for images or other files. This can make it easier to organize and manage your files.

How to slugify or extract slugs from pages

There are a number of ways to slugify or extract slugs from pages. One way is to use a text editor or programming language to manually generate the slugs. However, this can be time-consuming and error-prone.

Another way to slugify or extract slugs from pages is to use a library or API. There are a number of libraries and APIs available for different programming languages, such as Python, JavaScript, and PHP. These libraries and APIs can automatically generate slugs from pages or posts, which can save you a lot of time and effort.

Tips for slugifying or extracting slugs from pages

  • Use a consistent format for your slugs. For example, you may want to use all lowercase letters, remove spaces, and replace special characters with dashes.

  • Make sure that your slugs are unique. You can do this by checking the database for duplicate slugs before generating a new slug.

  • Keep your slugs short and descriptive. This will make them more readable and SEO-friendly.


Slugifying or extracting slugs from pages is a useful technique that can be used for a variety of purposes. By following the tips above, you can ensure that your slugs are consistent, unique, short, and descriptive.